Anyways, I was planning on just running to the site and buying up the Harrow Cards I've been considering getting, but then - glancing down my wish list of RPG books and game aids I've been considering buying - I realized that there was a lot I wanted to buy. Frankly there was a TON I wanted to buy.
SO, I'm leaving the decision up to you, the READERS! I have a small list already brewing in my head of potential things I could purchase, but throw your opinions in the ring! Is there a game, adventure, campaign setting, game aid, map pack, or anything else you've been curious about? Should I grab up the Mouseguard game everyone's talking about, or throw a pre-order in for the Pathfinder RPG? Want a review on a Gamemaster aid, or even The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen?
If you have a product (or several) you'd like to suggest, reply in a comment or send me an email directly at beneaththescreen AT gmail DOT com. I'll take suggestions for the next week and then write a follow-up post, setting up a poll with all of the options. Once I've purchased the product I'll provide a step-by-step recap of my experience with the item and a review of my thoughts on it.
In other news, the jury is in on my new banner.

The verdict? For the most part, folks who were familiar with my old banner enjoyed it more then the new one I had up. While the new banner wasn't BAD (new viewers seem to enjoy it), all in all most people weren't a fan of the new banner.
At the end of the day, I'd love to get a snazzy new banner. I mean, just look at these fancy blogs I'm sharing the stage with! If I ever get my hands on something award-worthy maybe I'll hold a banner-making contest. I may just wait for the inevitable day I switch to wordpress and buy my own domain though... like all them fancy bloggers.
Anyways, we're back to the original banner for now. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas for product reviews. Leave a comment!
My Facebook newsfeed is full of you saying interesting things.
Also, I can't decide what to do with mine, either! I think I *would* be most likely to wait for Blackest Night to come out in trade, except that's a really really long way away. *bites nails*
My brother just got a copy of that Mouseguard rpg. I just read the book and loved it, so I'm really curious about the game and would love to hear your thoughts on it.
@Falyne - Yeah, it's burning a whole in my pocket too, hence this little post. Facebook feed is full of lies, if it's spreading slander you shouldn't believe it's nonsense.
@Xan - Mouseguard is a game I've heard a lot of good things about. It is now on the list! Thanks for your suggestion!
Well, the Facebook thing was from seeing both this blog post and that thing about listing books I copied from you too. Of course, that's an idea; I may just get a book from somebody's list. Or, actually, I could get the next book of Mousegard (I've got Fall, 1152, and love it).
@Falyne - I've heard that Mouse Guard is quite good - both the comic and the game. That definitely might be a worthy purchase!
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