Friday, July 31, 2009

The Polls Are Closed!

The votes are in!

For those just tuning in, two weeks ago I started taking suggestions for how to best spend a $10 Amazon Gift Card I won from Exfanding Your Horizons (who were also nice enough to send some link love my way today). A week ago, I gathered the suggestions and opened a poll with the five options which received over 60 votes.

The voting was heated, and three different products took the lead at one point or another. When the last day of voting hit, Pathfinder RPG and Mouse Guard RPG were tied at 20 votes! As the day ended the winner, by one vote became clear.

Pathfinder RPG!

So, following my promise, I've thrown in a pre-order for Pathfinder RPG and will post a detailed review once the product is released as I've had a chance to play it. As a side note, due to the large amount of interest also in Mouse Guard RPG, I will try to purchase this product as soon as I have the disposable income to throw at it, so hopefully somewhere down the line I'll be able to review this product as well. In the mean time, Gnome Stew has a really great review of Mouse Guard over at their blog.

Anyways, not much today in terms of a post, but if you haven't read my post from yesterday about "saying Yes" in your game, you should go check it out. (I'm proud of it!)


  1. I'm curious to see what you think of the PFRPG. I finally hit my burn-out point on the 3.x rules, and from what little I've seen PF doesn't solve what bugs me about them (mainly the time involved).

    The setting book, though, rocks on toast.

    I'm glad you liked the Stew's MG review -- I had a lot of fun writing that one.

  2. @ Martin - I'm very excited to get on board with the Pathfinder RPG. I'm a die-hard 3.5 fan, and from what I've seen of it through the Beta, Pathfinder seems to improve everything I like, and get rid of everything I hate.

    I jumped on the Pathfinder adventure paths as soon as they started and have played through portions of the first two campaigns. I own the campaign setting and some of the city guide books. I've liked everything I've seen so far so I'm very excited to start writing my own adventures in the world using the rules.

    The MG review you wrote was fantastic! I don't think my current group would really have fun with the game, but I know I would. Once I find a group that would enjoy it I hope to buy that game as well.
