Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blog Updates: Memberships and a new banner!

Following my hiatus from blogging, I'm happy to say that I've been easily to get back in the swing of things. Unfortunately, due to my blog being unresponsive for several months, my membership from the RPG Bloggers Network was removed.

Thankfully, a quick email took care of that and now I am back on the feed! Already my Google Analytics page is showing a steady increase of readers which is fantastic! I have visitor goals for this blog that I have not yet met, but due to my absence it's expected. I'm hoping to pull in some new readers and get back the loyal readers I've lost.

Speaking of readers, I always love to see comments and to know who's following Beneath the Screen, so feel free to throw a comment up - I'd love to hear from you!

Looking for something to comment about? How about the new banner! I'm trying out a new banner as you can see and I'm quite excited about the change. Voice your opinions! Share your thoughts!

Anyways, I wanted to throw up a quick update before I went to my World of Darkness game today. Have a happy Sunday!


  1. Bleaugh! (There. I've thrown up. A comment.)

  2. Yikes, my new banner is inducing vomiting. This is a bad thing!
