This series is a session-by-session recap of the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign over the course of the school year. Enjoy! The current party:
- Lowen, Half-Elf Cleric of Irori
- Ramius, Human Swashbuckler
- Tulia, Human Sorceress
- Einkil, Dwarf Fighter
- Ziaphas, Human Wizard
"The sound of carousing booms from the elegantly painted ships moored to this long pier. Large signs painted in several languages hang from ropes slung between ships or are nailed to pilings. The closest ship to the east bears a sign that says, "The Twin Tigers - Take The Tiger by the Tail and Try Your Luck!" Opposite that, to the west, a barge's sign says, "Welcome to the Goldenhawk - No Safer Stay in Old Korvosa!" Further to the southeast is "Dragon's Breath Corridor - Dream the Dragon's Dreams at Affordable Prices!", while opposite that is the "House of Clouds - The Caress of Our Lovelies Will Take You Straight to Celestia!" Only the largest ship, to the south, bears no signage at all."
Asking around, the group quickly found that the furthest ship tied was Devargo's, but it wasn't a simple feat to just go in and talk with him. They knew they needed a little bit of a better plan. However, there wasn't too much time to think before a cry of "KILL HIM!" echoed from the nearby barge, "The Twin Tigers".
Rushing inside, the group found that - rather then there be any actual killing - the place was just responding loudly to a game of knivesies, a popular game in Old Korvosa. The game was just ending to cheers and applause. The Twin Tigers was a gambling hall, and every inch of the ships interior was covered with gambling tables, spinning wheels, glimmering coins, and shuffling cards.
Overlooking all of the festivities were Anpugit and Rejeek, the twin owners of the gambling hall.
Knowing that they needed some kind of doorway into a meeting with Devargo, Ramius and Ziaphas approached the casino leaders after bribing their way past a guard. They bluffed their way around the two owners, saying that it would be in their best interest to write them a letter of introduction to get into a meeting with the King of Spiders.
At most, the twins through that the two adventurers were amusing, but they decided that they might be able to help, in exchange for a favor. A delivery to the gambling hall from the Dragon's Breath Corridor was late. If they could go and pick up the delivery, then the twins would get them in to see Devargo.
Agreeing, the group set off.
Making their way below deck, the group quickly found Dragon's Breath Corridor to be a den of drugs. The whole place was filled with smoke with stung the nostrils. Refusing to pay the entrance fee, the owner quickly shooed them back onto the main deck while he fetched the delivery. 14 vials of Shiver. The man smiled as he said their was an extra vial in there for them, in case they wanted to try it.
Ramius seemed to easily be able to avoid the temptation as no one took the extra vial and returned it - extra vial included - to the brothers.
Getting more then they'd paid for seemed to amuse the twins even more, so they wrote and sealed a letter for the party, and said it would let Devargo know that perhaps these young adventurers were worth his time.
Getting in to see the King of Spiders, with the letter of introduction, was fairly simple.

The King of Spiders was an imposing man, who seemed to be entertaining a dinner party with some hopeful thugs of his, as the group entered. The room crawled with spiders which seemed to follow the man's every whim - earning him his nickname among Old Korvosa's citizens.
He spoke with a faint shoanti accent. "Greetings. Now, I know you all know who I am. But who the hell are you, and why should I care?"
Cutting right to the chase, the group made their intentions clear. They introduced themselves as hired mercenaries seeking to get the paperwork for their employer. Ramius introduced himself by name.
"Ah, Ramius. I remember you. A fairly steady customer if I remember correctly. I heard that the man I sold shiver to had cut you off. Sad news. But thankfully, due to some recent events, it would appear that the middle man has been cut out, so business should be much simpler now. I am indeed a fan of repeat customers." The King of Spiders smiled charmingly.
In order to get the papers, The King of Spiders made it clear that the information was valuable. After a large bribe, and two games of Knivesies, the letters were finally theres. Both Einkil and Ramius won the games of Knivesies - Einkil by brute strength, and Ramius by tripping up his opponent and dropping him off the table. Einkil's winnings yielded several gold coins, while Devargo himself bet against Ramius, with his winnings being a single vial of Shiver (which Ramius later discarded).
Bringing the letters back to Cressida, she told the group to take a break. Things were beginning to wind down, and they deserved a rest.
For two weeks the group relaxed, though it wasn't long before rumors began circulating that the King's assassin had been named...
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